Sunday, June 10, 2012

As I make my way north, almost out of California I took a lunch break in Eureka. A cool little coastal town with a nice downtown area, I stopped at a beachside oyster bar for lunch and met a lady who has her own marijuana farm, I guess you would call it. She told me all about the process and how she has permits to legally grow it! I think my favorite part of this trip is all the interesting people I have been meeting. When I was in San Francisco I met 3 girls from Minnesota and had some great conversation over the best Italian food I have had in a long time. I also met three Hungarian guys on a road trip across the US to celebrate their 40th birthdays. They had all been in Flagstaff just a week before which gave us a lot to talk about. In two days I’ll be in Portland to hang out with some old friends that I haven’t seen since high school and I’m sure I will meet a lot of interesting people while I’m there.
When I was at lunch today the older lady who owned the restaurant wrote down directions to the nudist beach just north of Eureka, she made me promise that I would go on my way out of town, so I guess that is my next stop, whether or not I will get out of my car is still to be determined.
So far I have had lots of laughs and met a lot of great people and I still have a lot of places to go, I look forward to seeing where the road will take me. 

Again the internet is slow here so I don't get to upload as many pictures as I would like, but I'm keeping them so I can as soon as I get a chance. 

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