Wednesday, June 6, 2012

San Francisco was definitely a nice change of scenery.The downtown area really reminds me of Manhattan. I walked all over today and did the tourist thing and think I got some pretty cool pictures, I turned off the autofocus and tried to get some interesting stuff, not sure if it worked so well for all of the pictures though. 

I had to overcome my discomfort for elevators for this one, but I think it was worth it for the picture. 
Union square, a great place to meet homeless people. 

I prefer San Fran's Chinatown to NYC's,

 Alcatraz Island, I think I could swim off that rock if I needed to escape.

The Golden Gate Bridege from the Coit Tower.
The Coit Tower. 

 I really liked this garage door because I think it really captures the creativity it takes to build on crazy hills. I would like to see it open to see how cars fit into the sloped garage.
Coit Tower. 

and tomorrow, I'm on to the Redwood Forest. 

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